
The Disease of the Heart

Don't sever relations of kinship, don't bear enmity against one another, don't bear aversion against one another and don't feel envy against the other and live as [Siblings]…

Our minds can be consumed by anger and hatred, becoming a greater distraction than any physical desire we possess.

At its peak, this hatred and the need for the other person’s failure become a temporary source of satisfaction, pushing us to seek the challenges and flaws in the other person’s life.

Envy, the root of hatred, erodes our faith completely.

Envy is a disease of the heart, where we begrudge others for their blessings and wish they were ours.

We do not have the luxury of having conflicting priorities.

Our hearts cannot carry both faith and envy or faith and greed.

We need to nurture our hearts to guard them against transgression and envy.

Transgression in this context refers to the ill intention in our hearts, the desire to inflict harm on others given an opportunity.

The willingness to forgive and accept is a significant step in resolving hatred, an act of discarding our ego to benefit from our spiritual practices.

The spirit of Ansar is what we should aim for - a heart that’s ready to receive and give, a heart devoid of envy and greed, a heart filled with conscious love for Allah.

They chose faith over worldliness and prepared their hearts for the arrival of the Prophet. They welcomed the Muhajireen, the Migrants, with open arms and without bitterness or greed. They loved the Muhajireen and opened their homes to them.

A pure heart is paramount to our spiritual success.

We need to constantly scrutinize our hearts, and reflect on our intentions to maintain our sincerity and steadfastness towards Allah.

In this spirit, use the upcoming month of Sha'ban to exemplify forgiveness, love, and unity among each other. Use this chance to discern the hatred in your heart and remove it before Ramadan starts, ensuring the Holy month is reserved for love, worship, and preparation for the life hereafter.

Only then will we be truly prepared for Ramadan, ready to receive its blessings and mercy.

Whoever gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will have a reward like theirs, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest.

We are calling on the Daily Sunnah Ummah to help us raise $10,000 to provide Ramadan food packages and iftar for orphans, widows, and less privileged in Ghana, Nigeria, Niger, and Uganda.

Every dollar goes towards feeding our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters who continue to be steadfast in their faith despite their current situation.

All contributions are zakat-eligible.

Jazakumu Allahu Khayran, may Allah reward you for your support.

Envy is only allowed in two cases.

When a person is given wealth and uses it properly.

When a person is given knowledge and applies it and teaches it.

Contribute your wealth to charity and toward giving knowledge.

Signing up will automate your daily charitable giving to a verified organization during Ramadan.

As a thank you, we will ship an eternitea double-walled glass set (valued at $40) to everyone who signs up for the Ramadan challenge for at least $3/day.

Please respond to this email with your address once you’ve signed up

(Offer limited to US residents only).

🪞 Reflection:

Use this moment to scrutinize your heart.

Can you find any greed, envy, hatred, or transgression?

How can you take one step towards a more purified heart?

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🕯️ Inspiration:


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