The Power of Emotional Intelligence

Reading Time: 2 min

His character was the Qurʾān.

The Prophet’s ﷺ role was not just to convey the divine message but to be its living embodiment.

If the Prophet did not possess the skills to effectively convey the message, it would be as if the message was never truly delivered.

Allah (swt) continually refined the Prophet’s ﷺ Emotional Intelligence. Even slight deviations were corrected through revelation. Consider the Qur’anic verse, “If you (O Muḥammad) were harsh and hardhearted, then the people would flee from you.”

After the people of Ṭā’if rejected and physically harmed the Prophet ﷺ, he made a heartfelt supplication. Instead of lamenting the cruelty he faced, he expressed concern that he might be the reason for their rejection. This deep introspection and concern for how he was perceived by others is a testament to his unparalleled EI.

But why is EI so crucial, especially in the context of the Prophetic mission?

Interpersonal Understanding: The Prophet ﷺ knew that effective communication wasn’t just about the message itself but how it was perceived. As the saying goes, “It’s not what you say; it’s what they hear.”

Moral and Emotional Intelligence: While EI helps in understanding and communicating with others, Moral Intelligence ensures the message remains pure and unaltered. The Prophet’s ﷺ life is a testament to the perfect balance of these two forms of intelligence.

Diversity and EI: In our diverse societies, understanding emotional cues and differences is essential for effective communication. The Prophet ﷺ, whose message was universal, exemplified this by understanding and addressing the unique emotional and moral landscapes of the people he encountered.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was not just a conveyor of the divine message; he was its living embodiment, demonstrating unparalleled emotional and moral intelligence. As we navigate our complex world, striving to improve our EI in the Prophetic tradition can help us communicate more effectively, understand others deeply, and uphold the moral integrity of our message.

🪞 Reflection:
Take a moment to look within at your emotional state.

How have you been, really?

Take a moment to write down whatever you are feeling.

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