Heroes of the Hijrah

We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is the one who has most Taqwa.

East Africa holds significance for Muslims for multiple reasons.

It is a land of marvelous history, a historical journey of monotheism, and the roots of many ancient civilizations. Remarkably, East Africa houses countless ways to express belief in the One God, possibly more than any other place, encapsulated within every African language.

Unfortunately, as time passed and people moved away from the righteous path, the people of Arabia erected idols in the Kaa’ba, shifted to tribalism, and enforced slavery. The Prophet (pbuh) aimed to eradicate such practices by promoting unity, emphasizing equality, and opposing the separation of families.

In response to his progressive teachings, the ruling tribes of Quraysh increased their persecution, evicting followers from their homes.

During these times, Muslims sought refuge in the Christian Kingdom of Axum in Ethiopia due to shared beliefs in one God and the universal principles of justice and kindness, untouched by the divisive Council of Nicaea’s decrees.

This shows unity in faith across geographical boundaries and cultural contexts, reminding us of the central Islamic principle of Tawheed (Oneness of God) and the tolerance Islam endorsed.

Further supporting this tolerance, the Prophet directed his companions to migrate to Abyssinia (modern-day Ethiopia), ruled by a pious and just king who wouldn’t wrong them. This was the first Hijrah (migration) made solely for the sake of belief in Allah. It underscored the deep-rooted connection between Africa and Arabia and attested to the universal nature of Islam and its respect for unity and justice.

Being an inclusive religion, Islam seeks to embrace learning and association with diverse civilizations, not just dwelling within its comfort zone. It recognizes a shared history, respects regional wisdom, and values diverse civilizations.

Make du’a for Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick for his work and this reflection.

Whoever gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will have a reward like theirs, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest.

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🤲 Make Du’a for Siraj 🤲 

Grant him a swift and complete recovery, fortifying his spirit with patience and unwavering faith in Your divine wisdom. Bestow upon his family peace, strength, and the comforting presence of Your guidance, reminding them that there is no obstacle greater than You.

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