Earthly Burdens

🤲 Make Du’a For Samiullah Chaudhry 🤲 

Guide our brother who was kicked out of medical school despite being mentally tortured, harassed, and bullied. Guide the president of the school who is currently reviewing his case. May he return to school and finish his last two semesters of becoming a doctor. May Allah protect his mental health and give him perseverance through his tribulation. May Allah grant him and open the door of mercy and acceptance and allow him to enroll back in without any extra needs.


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Corruption has spread on land and sea as a result of what people’s hands have done, so that Allah may cause them to taste the consequences of some of their deeds and perhaps they might return to the Right Path.

We are the ultimate burden of stress and sorrow on the Earth.

Not its physical components – the mountains, the trees, or the climate.

The sins one commits, the wrongdoings done consciously or unconsciously, everything adds metaphorical weight to the Earth, burdening it incrementally.

This burden grows and grows until a saturation point is reached. It’s as if the Earth is eating too much, being forced to consume our sins. There comes a breaking point where the Earth gets to unleash its load to relieve itself.

In Surah Inshiqaq, Allah’s words describe how the Earth reveals what is within it. It will be on the Day of Judgment when everything is disclosed, and the Earth divulges all it has borne.

Misdeeds committed by humankind make the Earth suffer; it can be seen as a form of corruption. These transgressions manifest through “natural disasters” - earthquakes, floods, tsunamis – calamities on land and in the ocean. They are a tangible recompense for our actions, just a small taste of what we have done.

As we continue our journey in life, it is crucial to remember that our actions have consequences beyond our immediate environment.

Every step we take, every word we utter, is witnessed by Allah and the Earth.

So, let’s strive to lighten the burdens we place on the Earth, contributing positively to our spiritual journey and shared physical world. Morally and ethically, good actions that add value to ourselves and fellow beings around us are the ways to achieve this.

Knowing Allah is watching, it’s time to transform this awareness into responsible actions for the good of ourselves, our earth, and our shared legacy.

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran.

🪞 Reflection:

What are the sins you are committing that hurt the earth? What is one physical and spiritual act you can change today to relieve the earth of its burdens?

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🤲 Make Du’a For Noman 🤲 

Ya Allah please help Noman to grow and develop normally like other kids with clear speech and amazing intellect and grant everlasting love and Rahma between his parents and all of the families.

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