Bittersweet Ramadan

Reading time: 1 minute

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The Prophet (ﷺ) in his fatal illness, called his daughter Fatima and told her a secret because of which she started weeping. Then he called her and told her another secret, and she started laughing. When I asked her about that, she replied, The Prophet (ﷺ) told me that he would die in his fatal illness, and so I wept, but then he secretly told me that from amongst his family, I would be the first to join him, and so I laughed.

Amidst the anticipation and joy of the holy month is the contrasting sentiment of grief and pain caused by witnessing the continuing atrocities in Gaza.

As we approach Ramadan, known as a month of worship, is it plausible to seek joy while being fully aware of the dire situation in Gaza?

Should we momentarily put aside the plight of our brothers and sisters to fully immerse ourselves in this sacred month?

The answer is no.

The complexity of this life is perfectly encapsulated in the word ‘bittersweet’ - every sweetness comes with bitterness and vice versa, but the trick lies in maintaining patience and perspective.

The capacity to navigate such complex emotions was epitomized by the Prophet (ﷺ) and his companions, who constantly shifted between joy and grief, triumph and tragedy, demonstrating that simultaneous joy and grief are both legitimate and profoundly human experiences.

As his departure from this world neared, the Prophet (ﷺ) had an intimate exchange with his beloved daughter, Fatima, causing her to experience immense sorrow, followed by inexplicable joy.

The day of Badr, victorious though it was for Muslims, was tinged with sadness as news of the Prophet’s daughter’s death reached those returning to Medina joyous from their victory.

This manifestation of complex emotions—intense grief swiftly replaced by profound joy—depicts the fluid emotional nature programmed into us by Allah.

Yet, the Prophet (ﷺ) and his companions transformed these emotions into a state of meaningfulness, transcending from grief to joy induced by the promises of Allah rather than lapsing towards indifference.

This Ramadan is the perfect opportunity to sow our grief and joy together into a pattern of enlightened perspective.

Our prayers for our brethren hold an influential impact, where perspectives and hardships are illuminated amidst the preceding months of turbulent events.

Thus, let the joy of Ramadan not blind us, nor the grief breaks us.

Both are intended to create a sense of perspective through which we can deepen our devotion.

Remember that every moment in life combines these two emotions to maintain our perspective and hold steadfast in our feelings.

The sweetness of our triumphs and the bitterness of our trials balance us, ground us in our faith, and hold a mirror to our world.

Through this duality, we learn to submit not to our emotions but to Allah, the Lord of all emotions and all circumstances.

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🪞 Reflection:

Understanding how we react to painful emotions can help cultivate a better response. Recall a recent experience.

How do you navigate bitter emotions?

Do you have a fight, flight or freeze response?

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🎬️ Take Action:

Find someone to share your current grief and challenges.

Start a conversation and be vulnerable about your current state.

The action should only take 1 minute.

🕯️ Inspiration:


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