Barakah of Time

Reading Time: 1 min

He who stands on tiptoe does not stand firm, and he who takes the longest strides does not walk the fastest.

Lao Tzu

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How often have you found yourself lamenting, "I just don't have enough time?"

It's essential to realize that the challenge isn't about having more time but about how we prioritize our lives.

Recognizing this truth is the first step to restoring barakah in our time.

Time is a divine gift, with every moment holding immeasurable value. With each passing second, we move closer to our inevitable end. As our beloved Prophet Muhammadﷺ taught, we should seize our youth before ageing, health before sickness, wealth before poverty, free time before preoccupation, and life before death.

Our daily routines are often filled with habits that consume vast amounts of our time. According to WHO, the average individual spends an astonishing 2.5 hours daily on social media. Over an average lifespan, this translates to nearly seven years spent scrolling through feeds. When you add time spent watching TV, sleeping, and eating, it becomes evident that these activities consume a significant portion of our lives.

Today is an opportunity to realign our priorities.

  • Engage with the Quran, even if it's just a single verse read with attention.

  • Pray salah with devotion and punctuality.

  • Make intentional wudu when you feel stuck.

As Lao Tzu writes in his book, Tao Te Ching, "He who stands on tiptoe does not stand firm, and he who takes the longest strides does not walk the fastest.”

To restore barakah in our time, we must manage and prioritize our hours in alignment with divine teachings.

One small step can yield profound spiritual benefits.

🪞 Reflection:

How do you prioritize your daily activities, and where does spiritual growth fit into your routine?

In moments of introspection, can you identify habits that might be consuming more of your time than they should?

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